Bachelor’s 45 10 10 65
Specialties 15   2 17
Master’s 33   22 55
Doctorate 10   7 17


Bachelor’s Degrees:

Forty-five programs offered on-campus, out of which 22 are double degree programs with the University of Seattle and 33 are quality accredited programs (32 accredited by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation and one has been rated Level 1 by the Inter-Institutional Committees for the Evaluation of Higher Education).  Additionally, there are ten mixed learning mode programs for students with limited time availability and who require an education related to professional work experience, and also ten online programs for those who cannot follow a fixed schedule and require flexibility and more personalized attention.


Master’s Degrees:

Thirty-three programs with courses delivered on-campus, 12 videoconference programs using a full-duplex communication system, seven programs offered in agreement with the Secretariat of Public Education for the professional development of teachers, and ten online programs for students requiring time and location flexibility under an asynchronous learning mode.



Ten programs delivered on-campus, seven videoconference mode programs with a full-duplex communication system.



Fifteen specialist degrees delivered on-campus and two online programs for students with a profile that demands time flexibility and distance learning.


National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT for its acronym in Spanish):

Thirteen programs registered at the National Register of Quality. Graduate Programs: 4 doctorates, eight master’s degrees, and one specialist degree.


Continuous Education:

Courses and certifications



Campus Statistics

Enrollments by the academic level at Campus Puebla
Bachelor’s degrees: 9221 students.
Specialties degree: 565 students
Master’s degrees: 2511 students.
Doctorate: 347 students.



Enrollments by learning delivery mode at Campus Puebla:

Offered Systems in the Main Campus Total students enrolled Women Men % Women % Men
On-campus 11204 6401 4803 57% 44%
Online 606 334 272 55% 41%
Mixed 834 617 217 74% 26%
  347 7352 5292 58% 42%



Origin of our students:

Our students come from all over the Mexican Republic, and also we have 244 international students from 19 countries such as Germany, Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, South Korea, Spain, United States, Finland, France, Great Britain, Norway, Holland, Peru, Switzerland, and Turkey.


Received Students


Outgoing students: 91 UPAEP students at an international program in 8 countries: Argentina, Australia, South Korea, Chile, China, the United States, and Uruguay.

Sent students


Incoming students: International students from Colombia and the United States at short programs and academic stays.


Spring 2018


Faculty LED 2018 Undergraduate Graduates
Students 95 81
Professors 7 4
TOTAL 102 85
Destinations: China, Spain, Argentina, Poland and Canada. Spain, Chile, The United States, Russia, Poland and China.



21 students are enrolled in a double degree program through City University of Seattle

Average Number of students per classroom: 30 students.

Teaching staff: 1482 teachers out of which 547 are full time and 935 are part-time.


Scholarships: 1780 students own a full scholarship, out of which 279 were granted to high school students, 1113 for undergraduate students, and 388 for graduate students.





PROEDUCA Program: 339 UPAEP employees and their family members were benefited from scholarships at all academic levels.


Connectivity: wireless internet service available at the campus. All the classrooms are equipped with leading-edge multimedia technology.


Employee app total downloads: 4,746

Student app total downloads 10,425

Graduates / ALUMNI app total downloads: 311